Falling Clothes!

There are some things in Barcelona that will take a little bit longer to get used to.

Numero uno, drying my clothes al natural. I have a clothesline right outside my bathroom window, so rain or shine, if my clothes need to be washed, and thus dried, out they go. And after my first time, when I went to retrieve the clothes to put away, I noticed my towel, my shirt and my sweater had fallen to the bottom of the building on someone’s porch. So sad, yet, kind of funny that I was dumb enough to not pin them right to the line. I hope I can  find the right neighbor to get the clothes from without sounding like too much of an idiot 🙂

Numero dos are conversions. I think in miles whereas Europe thinks in kilometers and I always try, yes, try is the operative word, to do the math.

Numero tres is military time. Talk about a brain fart at its finest. I tend to just remember that 13:00h is 1:00 p.m. and 20:00h is 8:00 p.m. then go from there.

Numero cuatro is the mere fact that I keep saying dollars instead of euros. That has been a hard habit to break! Euros, euros, euros…

Numero cinco is adjusting to how late Spaniards eat. Dinner time is around 9:30 or 10:00, not like the 6:00 or 7:00 I’m accustomed to.

Numero seis is everything being closed on Sundays. Sometimes, shockingly, I just need to go to a grocery store on Sunday or get something from the pharmacy, but I can just about forget about it unless I search far and wide for the one open place here and there.

Numero siete is the Catalan language. Let’s face it, I’m never going to learn it (I have my hands full with Spanish) and my attempt to read all the signs everywhere in Catalan are to no avail. Oh well.

And numero ocho is having no window in my room. I have become quite the lazy chica, sleeping in really late because I have no natural light and thus, no real sense of time.

I definitely welcome the challenge of adjusting to all these things because they are all, for the most part, part of the Barcelona culture. It will be interesting to see what becomes second nature to me and what I will just never adjust to no matter how much I try. And on that note, let’s all root for Barca tonight versus Real Madrid!

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